Guy Update
KonkLife Publisher Guy deBoer is currently residing in Fuerteventura, Canarias, busy getting his plan in motion to get Spirit, his sailboat, back in shape. Guy is posting daily video updates on his new Facebook account, Guy Spirit, to keep his followers and friends up to date on his adventure. As of five days ago, September 24th, Guy got Spirit off the beach. However, around $50,000 worth of things were stolen off her. Because Guy is such a strong spirited (no pun intended) person, he did not let this setback get him down and has a GoFundMe in place to aid his budget in excess of $300,000 in order to repair Spirit and refurbish the stolen gear. On his Facebook post with the GoFundMe URL, Guy says, “The journey back to the sea begins now. Any help and $ assistance are truly appreciated. I will be posting daily video updates to keep everyone in the loop.”
As of Wednesday, September 28th, Guy found a boatyard to keep Spirit, thanks to three locals he became friends with. They helped him with locating the places he needed access to in order to fix Spirit, as well as with the language barrier. He explained in his video on the 28th how helpful one of his new friends was with all his troubles, Veronica.
Today, Thursday, September 29th, Guy posted a video telling fans that it would be his fathers 100th birthday today. He was pleased to announce this in conjunction with the fact that he made arrangements for his boat to be moved to a different, more practical boat yard nearby on Saturday. He met with the owner of the yard and got him to accept the boat. He also communicated with a crane truck operator to move the boat to the yard, which is exciting and hopeful. He mentioned that tools will be acquired to fix the boat, and that his plan is to fix it himself. Guy also says that his friend Birch, a civil engineer, will arrive on Sunday to help him get the boat ready. Guy says, “I am excited about the whole process, and that I get to share this news on what would be my fathers 100th birthday. I will update you guys on Thursday, thank you all for your continued interest and support.”
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