By Fred C. Klein

orig_blog_4363_0.jpeg (421×640)When I was coming up in the 50s, simultaneous with the rise of Rhythm and Blues (soon to be Rock n’ Roll), the primary (solo) instrument was the Sax (think King Curtis, Big Al Sears or Cannonball Adderley).

Then, in 1952, Les Paul (born Lester Polsfuss) changed the course of musical history when the Gibson Les Paul electric guitar appeared on the market.

Slowly, and then more quickly, the spotlight and sound shifted and here we are in a Music World dominated by guitars and guitar solos.

Les almost got electrocuted in 1941 experimenting with his prototype guitar and survived a later car crash too. Thus, the course of musical history was undeterred, but you’ll never know…

I once took my guitar playing son Alex (pictured with his Les Paul) to see Les Paul perform solo and we sat stage-side, talked to Les and got his autograph.
Alex owns a Les Paul or two and his 17 year son Shawn Atom can shred it too!

Experiencing the arc of musical history has been my pleasure.  Rock on!!!

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