Grateful walk at the Sugarloaf bridge

On our grateful walk at the Sugarloaf bridge,

I offered gratitude for 

the courage to leave the 

well worn pathways of my mind

to plunge into

the unexplored beauty of my heart.

I’ve discovered my mind 

had become an unhealthy servant to

following belief pathways 

that I was taught 

and not that I had created.

Built from fear,

these pathways 

built outside of the heart

were taught to me to keep me 

“safe” from the darkness of this world

not to teach me 

to free me from it.

The irony of it 

is leaving the heart

is what causes the darkness of the world

and in me following along

on fearful pathways

I was led into my own shadows.

In an effort to find a way out of my darkness,

I followed artificial lights

that offer ways 

to numb, ignore, suppress and project the pain

instead of giving me the wisdom

that the pain was the call of my heart

summoning me back home.

So here I am

having taken the plunge

into my heart

where I’ve learned to sit in pain long enough to honor its wisdom,

go deep enough to reunite with peace

and learn when darkness tempts me out of my heart

to cannonball, bellyflop, jump or dive back in

as soon as possible

for it is in the heart

that the answer to our longing

is found.

May today find you

courageously leaping off the fearful pathways

and plunging into the undiscovered mysteries 

of the heart.


-Jenny and Bella

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