Governor Scott, Speaker Corcoran, and President Negron Find Common Ground To Create Jobs, Give Kids Hope, Promote Government Accountability To Taxpayers, and More
Tallahassee, FL – This morning, Speaker Corcoran joined Governor Rick Scott, Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera, and Senate President Joe Negron to announce an unprecedented agreement to address job growth, K-12 education, tourism marketing, and much more.
Upon coming to an agreement, Speaker Corcoran said, “I am proud to stand with Governor Scott and President Negron as we fight for continued strong job creation, giving every child a competitive and world class education, ensuring Florida competes as a tourist destination, and faithfully stewarding taxpayer dollars are goals that unify us.”
Corcoran continued, “The Florida Job Growth Grant Fund will create both physical infrastructure and job training and put taxpayers in the driver’s seat. All Floridians know that Governor Scott and I are committed to jobs. His willingness to work with us on this new model for economic development demonstrates that commitment and is greatly appreciated in the House. It’s truly a model for the rest of the nation wrestling with ending corporate welfare. In addition, This special session will secure Florida’s place as the premier tourist destination in America while ensuring that VISIT Florida is completely open accountable and transparent to the taxpayer.”
Corcoran concluded by saying, “The people of Florida should be proud today that you can have leaders with competing opinions and still compromise to meet common goals — government in Florida is working and the biggest winners are all Floridians.
The agreement –
- Maintains the Elimination of Economic Incentive Programs/Corporate Welfare, Including,
- Florida Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive Program
- Quick Action Closing Fund Program
- Innovation Incentive Program
- Sports Franchise and Stadium Incentives
- New Markets Development Program
- Creates The Florida Job Growth Grant Fund1. The Fund Will, NOT be a part of Enterprise Florida
- Limit funding to public infrastructure and workforce training
- Prohibit the use of public funds for the exclusive benefit of any single company, corporation, or business entity
- Allow the Department of Economic Opportunity, at the direction of Florida’s Governor, to make critical, rapid investments in public infrastructure and job training that will benefit Florida’s economy and Florida’s workforce but not a specific company or corporation.
- Require that public infrastructure be owned by the public and available for public use or predominately for benefit the public;
- If public infrastructure is leased or sold, it must be leased or sold at fair market rates or value
- Require job training may only be made to state colleges or state technical centers and that the training must provide participants with transferable, sustainable workforce skills, which may not be confined to the skills required by any single employer
- Tie investment to the expansion of targeted industries or the economic recovery of specific regions of the state rather than linking the investments to the performance of specific companies as is done in traditional incentive programs
- Secures accountability and transparency measures for VISIT Florida, including an annual audit by the State Auditor General
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