Fresh Produce Give-Back Benefiting the Anne McKee Fund

It’s a question we’re all familiar with: “What’s so great about living in Key West?” Some ubiquitous answers include climate, tin-roofed Conch cottages, restaurants, beaches, and oodles of fun events.

But there’s something deeper. It’s the way people look out for one another. In this case it’s one organization reaching out to another that, in turn, will pay it forward.

Fresh Produce promotes dressing for color and comfort here in our tropical weather: the Anne McKee Fine Arts Fund promotes Keys artists by sponsoring an annual auction and grant program.

Now to celebrate their 35th anniversary, the Fresh Produce on Duval has pledged to donate a portion of their sales on June 22nd to the Anne McKee Fund for 2020 art grants. The shop invites locals and visitors to come in to help celebrate the anniversary with cookies, champagne, and 35% off everything.


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