The “It’s for the Birds” fundraiser to benefit the Key West Wildlife Center is set for Sunday, February 23, 3 pm to 5:30 pm at the West Martello Towers. This annual event offers fabulous food, an amazing Silent Auction and raffles generously donated from a variety of local resorts, businesses and restaurants. The Key West Wildlife Center, located at 1801 White Street, is a non-profit organization providing rescue and rehabilitative care to wildlife from mile marker 0-30 in the Florida Keys. They are a rescue and rehabilitation facility operating as a trauma clinic and field hospital. Their main focus is rescuing and rehabilitating sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife and returning them to the wild. Any businesses wishing to donate or participate should contact volunteer coordinator Janice Manari at 717-580-8333 or the Wildlife Center.

In addition to guest’s opportunity to bid on great prizes, there will be entertainment by Jubal MD, as well as wine, beer and beverages.  The center’s educational wildlife ambassador will be on hand to answer questions about the programs. Tickets are just $25 and available on line at This is the Center’s busiest time of the year and needs the community’s support for their Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation program.

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