Florida Department of Health-Monroe County Issues Precautionary Swim Advisory for All Keys Public Beaches
Out of an abundance of caution and in order to protect the health and well-being of Keys residents and visitors, the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County has issued a precautionary swim advisory for all public beaches due to potential effects on water quality related to Hurricane Irma. At this time, swimming is not recommended in areas that have not been tested since the storm.
The department has deployed four environmental health strike teams to conduct testing to determine the water quality at these locations. DOH anticipates all results will be complete in 7 days. As results are available, updates will be posted at keysrecovery.organd on Monroe County social media sites.
Until results are available, you should assume that water contact may pose an increased risk of disease, particularly for immunocompromised individuals.
Additionally, residents should avoid contact with floodwaters. Flood water may contain fecal matter from sewage systems, agricultural and industrial waste and septic tanks.
keysrecovery.org * facebook.com/MonroeCountyFLBOCC/ *@monroecounty * #keysrecovery
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