First-Ever Joint Performance Grant

Tennessee Williams Theatre Executive Director Matthew Rawls, grant recipient Sam Carlson, Anne McKee Artists Fund President Marsha Williams, Anne McKee Fund Treasurer Norman Hunt, and Dani Holliday, with the Sloppy Joe’s Foundation.

The Anne McKee Artists Fund is pleased to announce the awarding of the first annual Joint Performance Grant award to singer/songwriter Sam Carlson.

This unique opportunity is a partnership with the Tennessee Williams Fine Art Theatre and the Sloppy Joe’s Foundation.

“We had many outstanding applications for this grant,” said Anne McKee Fund President Marsha Williams, “given the talent and needs here in the Keys. After much discussion and review, we selected Sam Carlson as the first recipient of the McKee Artists Fund – Tennessee Williams Joint Performance Grant.”

The idea was floated by Matthew Rawls, the Executive Director at the Tennessee Williams Theatre.  He said he wanted to support the Anne McKee Artists Fund, but not just with an ad in the annual auction program.

“His idea went well beyond that!” said Williams. “’Let’s collaborate,’ he said.”

The theatre will provide the recipient the use of the Cabaret space and assistance with sound and lighting. The McKee Artists Fund will manage marketing. The Sloppy Joe’s Foundation then stepped up and became the Premier Sponsor for this joint grant to help defray the costs for the performer.

Carlson said in his application that he explores “philosophical concepts through my poetry, songs and storytelling. I like to think of myself as a troubadour of the 21st century — someone that travels place to place and finds songs in the air and the water, the mountains, and the valleys.”

He describes his style as a blend of American folk, indie-soul, and his own brand of progressive bluegrass.

Sam’s performance is scheduled for March 5, 2025 in the Cabaret at the Tennessee Williams Theatre. “Audiences will have a singular experience when this project comes to fruition,” said Williams.

The grant was awarded in May at the annual grants party, hosted by The Gardens Hotel. Carlson gave audiences a preview of his style by performing two original songs for the group.

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