Fins Up Forever Honors Jimmy Buffett’s Legacy with $3,000 Donation to Reef Relief After Memorial Celebration

Fins Up Forever Founders and Reef Relief Staff

Fins Up Forever, a group dedicated to celebrating the life of Jimmy Buffett, donated $3,000 to Reef Relief. Fins Up Forever hosted a memorial celebration for Jimmy Buffett Labor Day Weekend in Venice, Florida. This event featured musicians Lucy and Nick from Lefty Lucy and Sunny Jim,  as well as Jax Bowers, Klee Liles, and Aloha Steve, in a band iteration named “Gypsies in Paradise”! Proceeds from this event support Reef Relief’s education and conservation programs.

Since September 2023, Reef Relief’s education team has reached 15,500+ students in 18 different countries and 45 different states. These programs not only teach students about marine ecosystems, but they also inspire environmental stewardship. Reef Relief offers these programs for FREE as part of our Marine Science for All Initiative. Supporters like Fins Up Forever make these education opportunities possible. You can party with a purpose with Fins Up Forever at this annual Jimmy Buffett memorial celebration by going to or by following them on social media.

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