Tallahassee, FL.–  Faith in Florida has created a Black studies toolkit in response to House Bill 7 (HB 7). In 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis and his allies in the legislature passed HB 7, which censors books from schools that include themes or characters involving people of color. Additionally, DeSantis banned AP African American studies from the Florida secondary curriculum; thus far, over 600 books have been banned in Florida.

The Black History toolkit Faith in Florida has devised will explore the origin, impact and effects of institutional and systemic racism and the impact of faith and spirituality on our survival and progression as a people.

“We created this toolkit to take ownership of learning our own history instead of relying on the state government. It will be taught in our churches and places of worship across the state. It will be raw and led by people who lived this history, so DeSantis should have left it alone, said Executive Director of Faith in Florida, Rev. Rhonda Thomas.

Faith in Florida youth leader Mia Morrison was very excited to hear about this new initiative, especially since the Governor seeks to expand HB 7 to higher education with House Bill 999, which would ban state colleges and universities from using funds to promote diversity and inclusion. It also allows the state’s board of governors to remove “any major or minor that is based on or otherwise utilizes pedagogical methodology associated with Critical Theory.”

“It is crucial for our youth to know our history because if we don’t, we are doomed to repeat it. Students my age are becoming more and more active in advocacy and politics, whether it’s standing up or protesting for a cause they believe in or creating a platform through social media to advocate for others. We have come a long way for justice but still have a long way to go. Our youth are more open-minded and willing to create change. History should never be hidden or concealed. It is an important tool we need to learn from and work together to ensure that our future is a better place, with justice and equity for all.”

Faith in Florida has already shared the toolkit within its network and wants at least 1000 congregations to commit to this initiative. Pastor Ross Pierre of Greater New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Miami, Florida, looks forward to implementing this curriculum in his congregation.

“There is a distinct connection between African American studies and movements for Black liberation, which is what the black church’s premise has always been. The teaching of African American history has always challenged racist and exclusionary narratives of the nation’s past. The black church’s future is fading mainly due to the disengagement of the millennials and Generation Z. Offering this toolkit will help prepare students for college-level work and increase their chances of academic success while also allowing students to become more engaged and informed citizens, equipped to navigate complex issues and make informed decisions.”

While Florida has been declared by Governor DeSantis as “the freest state in America,” he and his allies in the state legislature have simultaneously resorted to policing Black existence with our history and even with representation in the Florida congressional map. This is precisely why Faith in Florida is taking a stance. The organization is committing to teach Black history through the lens of truth, not through a lens that is exclusionary, revisionist, racist, and reeks of fascism.

“The Governor and the Commissioner of Education want to pick and choose what part of African American history should be taught in Florida. It is obvious that they are promoting a watered-down version that sounds good but is not factual. They have decided to practice genocide with our history. It is incumbent that we not let this happen,” said the Director of Democracy with Faith in Florida, Dr. LaVon Bracy.

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