Excessive Heat Affects South Florida
Here’s how to stay cool & safe during these high temperatures
Miami, Fla., July 19, 2024 – This week, heat advisories and excessive heat warnings affect parts of South Florida, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). A heat wave is a prolonged period of excessive heat, generally 10 degrees or more above average, often combined with excessive humidity.
What to do during a heatwave warning:
• Listen to local weather forecasts for upcoming temperature changes.
• Discuss heat safety precautions with members of your household.
• Check the contents of your emergency disaster kit in case a power outage occurs.
• If you do not have air conditioning, choose places you could go to for relief from the heat
during the warmest part of the day (schools, libraries, theaters, malls).
• Ensure that your animals’ needs for water and shade are met.
• Never leave children or pets alone in enclosed vehicles.
• Stay hydrated!
• Eat small meals and eat more often.
• Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
• Slow down and stay indoors.
• Postpone outdoor games and activities.
• Take frequent breaks and use a buddy system if you must work outdoors.
• Check on family, friends, neighbors and pets.
Download the free Red Cross Emergency App, which features expert advice on how to prepare, respond and recover from disasters and features real-time local alerts for severe weather. Search “Red Cross Emergency” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
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