Marathon, FL…On Tuesday, February 4th, Dolphin Research Center’s Manatee Rescue team successfully rescued an adult male manatee from the waters near 15th Street, ocean side, in Marathon. The manatee, known as Scott, had a great amount of monofilament fishing line tightly wrapped and embedded around his left pectoral flipper. The team deployed a long net into the water at the location where Scott was lingering. By pulling the net closer around the animal they were able to confine him and then bring him onto shore. This particular animal, who measures approximately 10.5 feet long and weighs 1180 pounds, is well known to rescue teams. He had eluded previous attempts to help him over the last seven plus years. Scott is a great example of how difficult it can be to rescue these large marine mammals who don’t understand that our intention is to help.

After the rescue, he was transported by truck to Miami Seaquarium for evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation. It is hoped that he will fully recover from the injury and be a candidate for re-release into Florida Keys waters at some point in the future.

Dolphin Research Center is the Licensed Manatee Rescue Team for the Florida Keys and provides this service on a volunteer basis. The nonprofit organization’s activities, including manatee rescues, are funded by admission and program fees, as well as by private donors and members. Founded in 1984, DRC is home to a family of dolphins and California sea lions.  Located at 58901 (mile marker 59) Overseas Highway, Grassy Key, Florida, the center is open daily for the public to see narrated behavior sessions and educational presentations, and to participate in interactive programs with the dolphins. In addition to being one of the most highly respected education and research facilities in the world, is an accredited member of the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums. For more information, visit

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