Discovery Saturday dives into dolphin behavior
Discovery Saturday on Sept. 16 features guests from the Dolphin Research Center helping children uncover fun facts about dolphin family behavior and learn about the mammal’s amazing abilities. Space is limited. Call 305-809-4750 to register.
The Florida Keys Eco-Discover Center, operated by Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, hosts Discovery Saturday for children in kindergarten through fifth grade on the third Saturday of each month.
WHAT: Discovery Saturday
WHEN: 10-11 a.m., Sept. 16, 2017
WHERE: Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center, 35 E. Quay Rd., Key West, FL 33040
WHO: Children in kindergarten through 5th grade
Located in NOAA’s Dr. Nancy Foster Florida Keys Environmental Complex on the Truman Annex waterfront in Key West, the Eco-Discovery Center features more than 6,000 square feet of interactive exhibits, which interpret the resources and management efforts of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, two national parks, and four national wildlife refuges.
For more information, contact the center at 305-809-4750 or [email protected].
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