Denis Hyland quartet @Little Room, Fri/Sat 24th & 25th @9pm

The Denis Hyland quartet is appearing this friday & saturday, June 24th, 25th at the Little Room. Denis and the combo presents an eclectic repertoire of vocal and instrumental jazz, many derived from Great American Songbook, show tunes, and classic,( also, some more obscure) jazz standards, expressively interpreted. Along with the smokey, cabaret vocals of Denis Hyland, is Dom Carelli (a.k.a. Laslo Pilar), piano, Gary Rivenson,  bass, & skippo on drums, plus expect some fiery sit-in solos from visiting ace players, Bill Perpetsky on trumpet and Tim McCord on sax/flute. Gonna be a happening this weekend at Little Room, 821 Duval.


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