Decker artwork installed in KW Harry S. Truman Foundation gallery

Kevin Theriault, Deputy Director of the Key West Harry S. Truman Foundation, presents Key West-based artist Fran Decker, left, with a gift certificate on Wednesday, June 5, part of a prize package for being the winning artist in the Foundation’s recent plein air painting competition held on the grounds of the Harry S. Truman Little White House. Selected by popular vote, Decker scored a tour around Key West for a party of six in the Foundation’s vintage Lincoln Cosmopolitan stretch limousine used by Truman during his 1945-53 Presidency and her winning artwork has been placed on permanent display in the Truman Foundation’s art gallery. The event was the second in this year’s three-part TRU-ly Amazing Art series. The third and final event is a paint & sip scheduled for Saturday, August 10. For more information, visit  (Contributed photo)


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