Damaged Mahoganey Poses Threat

The City of Key West Tree Commission voted Tuesday to grant an emergency tree removal permit for a large old mahogany tree in the 700 block of Frances Street.

The tree has been heavily pruned through its century of life, and a recent crack up the middle of the tree made it unsafe. Part of the problem, according to a risk assessment by consultant New Leaf Environmental, is that the tree predates electrical power lines. Once those were installed in the early 1900s, the tree was trimmed in a deep v to keep the branches away from the electrical lines. The weight of the tree and the way in which it was trimmed caused a recent 7-foot long vertical crack in the trunk. The crack has recently opened up to be about 12 inches deep.

Amy Dismukes, the City’s urban forestry manager, explained that the City explored other options, including using cables to keep the tree from splitting further. But the option was unrealistic given the power lines and the danger to nearby homes. The way the tree is split, if it were to fall, would likely damage a nearby residence as well as cars in the road. It could even kill any cyclist or pedestrian in the roadway,

And so, the commission voted unanimously to grant the removal permit.

Once the tree is removed, it will be replaced with a tree that will better thrive under the existing power lines.

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