Cracking Down on Crime: Monroe County Prosecutes Key Player in Vessel Theft Ring

Monroe County, FL – The Monroe County State’s Attorney’s Office has successfully prosecuted a member of a theft ring responsible for a string of vessel burglaries in Monroe County from late 2022 to mid-2023 targeting GPS systems. Denzel Varona, the driver for the group on one of the Upper Keys theft sprees, was sentenced recently following an open plea before the Honorable Judge James Morgan.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office uncovered a group of thieves traveling from Miami to target boatyards, marinas, and waterfront homes. The group specifically sought to steal Garmin GPS units from vessels, which were later sold in Miami. Multiple individuals were arrested as a result of this investigation in a joint operation with Miami Dade law enforcement.

Denzel Varona, a key participant, was adjudicated guilty on the following charges:

•   Racketeering;
•   Organized Dealing in Stolen Property;
•   Unlawful Use of a Two-Way Communication Device;
•   Four counts of Burglary of a Conveyance; and
•   Five counts of Grand Theft

Varona, who was the getaway driver and assisted in the loading of stolen property during the Upper Keys raids, was sentenced as a youthful offender to three years in Florida state prison. His sentence includes a subsequent three years of supervision with electronic monitoring, which will be split into 18 months of community control followed by 18 months of probation. Additionally, Varona is required to complete 200 hours of community service and attend an anti-theft course. Three other cases remain pending against other members of the theft ring.

This case highlights the diligent work of local law enforcement and their commitment to protecting the Florida Keys from organized crime. Monroe County State’s Attorney Dennis Ward commended the efforts of both Monroe and Miami-Dade law enforcement agencies, saying, “This is a clear message that coordinated criminal activity crossing county lines will not be tolerated. We remain vigilant in protecting our communities and holding offenders accountable. Assistant State Attorney Trey Evans continues to work with law enforcement to prosecute additional members of this theft ring, ensuring that all responsible parties face justice”.

Chief Assistant State Attorney Joseph Mansfield added, “The investigation is far from over. We are continuing to follow leads and work closely with law enforcement to ensure that every individual involved in this theft ring is brought to justice. This is about more than stolen property—it’s about protecting our community from those who seek to exploit it.”

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