Couple arrested for stalking

A Big Pine Key couple was arrested today for stalking another couple and sending them threatening text and voice mail messages.

The male victim called the Sheriff’s Office on July 26th. He told Deputy Alexandra Davis he used to rent a room from 42 year old Enrique Valdes, Jr. and 35 year old Omitsu Cervantes.  He said the harassment from the couple started after he moved out at the beginning of June. He said they began asking him for more money; he paid them some extra money and they kept asking for more. He said since then, they have been sending he and his girlfriend threatening text and voice mail messages. He said at one point, Valdes threw something heavy at his car window when he was driving on Rockland Key.

The victims kept copies of the messages and turned them over to Deputy Davis for her investigation. Based on the evidence and information, warrants were issued for the arrest of Valdes and Cervantes. They were booked into jail today on stalking charges.

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