Commission Candidate Ptomey Challenges Incumbent to Three Debates

TAVERNIER, Florida Keys — Today, Melissa Ptomey, candidate for the District 5 Monroe County Commissioner challenged incumbent Commissioner Holly Raschein to three debates.

Ptomey suggested the debates be held within District 5 (roughly Key Largo to Islamorada).  The three debates would focus on business concerns, environmental issues, and neighborhood matters.

Ptomey said that local chambers of commerce, community organizations, and environmental groups could serve as hosts and moderators, and that her campaign has contacted them to gauge their interest.

“Critical issues to District 5 residents should be discussed in a public forum,” said Ptomey. “Local residents are angry about Raschein’s vote to approve the Tavernier Publix project. Also, she has no solutions to the US1 traffic, and struggling business get no help from her.”

Ptomey noted that debates would show that her positions on the major issues facing the Keys are diametrically opposed to Raschein’s positions.

“Raschein wants to increase county spending to $750 million this fall, while I want to cut spending by $135 million this year and more next year,” said Ptomey.  “I am against massive new development, she’s in favor; I promise new approaches, her record is one of expensive failures.”

For more information, go to, and Facebook/Instagram/X: @electptomey.

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