Come Honor Retiring Fringe Founders Monnie and Peter King

The Fringe Theater is honoring retiring founders Monnie and Peter King on Friday, Aril 15 at the Key West Woman’s Club.  Says Janet Bengel, Fringe Board President, “We want to give the community an opportunity to honor Monnie and Peter and thank them for five years of volunteering their time and talent to create a very successful and innovative theater.”

The Kings founded the Fringe in 2011 and produced five seasons of iconic and “immersion” productions. Says Monnie King, Producing Artistic Director, “We have worked to exploit theater arts as a vehicle for education, innovation, and community enrichment as well as entertainment.  THANK YOU to the wonderful people of Key West who have embraced our brand of theater.”  Adds Peter, President, “Our goal was to offer shows that would not otherwise be seen in town – less commercial plays, but works of artistic merit.”

With the motto “Expect the un-Expected” the Fringe creates theater in historic venues including the Old Firehouse Museum, the Custom House, the Gardens Hotel, The Mel Fisher Museum Attic, the historic Rectory and the Sanctuary at St Paul’s Church. They produced iconic works like Edward Albee’s A Delicate Balance, Tennessee Williams’ Suddenly Last Summer, Noel Coward’s Private Lives, Arthur Miller’s The Price, David Mamet’s Boston Marriage.

The Fringe also created Key West Characters, new plays about Key West’s history including CONCH REPUBLIC (The Musical!) by Monnie O. King and Gayla D. Morgan; Shakespeare in School an annual Shakespeare performance that tours Monroe County schools performing for up to 900 students;  New Play Writing Workshop, a 14-week playwriting class focused on local history concluding with public staged readings; and Alice’s Parlor, short plays by Alice Gerstenberg cast with “lapsed” or new actors from the community.

The torch is passed to newly named Artistic Managing Director Rebecca Tomlinson, the new voice for the Fringe Theater.

The sumptuous celebration will include a sit down dinner and full open bar; William Shakespeare and the Lord Chamberlain’s men and some Unexpected entertainment. Friday, April 15, 2016, at 7pm at the Key West Woman’s Club, 319 Duval Street.

Tickets are $150 per person available at or 305-707-4053.

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