College president and police chief to examine social injustice at CFK’s virtual Constitution Day event

KEY WEST, FL, September 10, 2020— The College of the Florida Keys’ invites the community to celebrate the birthday of the United States Government at its annual Constitution Day event on Thursday, September 17 at 1:00 p.m. Information to join the virtual event can be found on the College’s website at Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, thus laying the foundation of our government, rights, and freedoms.

This year’s event will feature timely topics and speakers. CFK Business Law Professor Stephen Muffler will talk about personal rights during a pandemic. Then CFK President Dr. Jonathan Gueverra and Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg will present “Social Injustice: How did we get here? How do we move forward?”

“The U.S. Constitution is the blue print of our country, market system, and free society,” said Muffler. “It acts as the common denominator for all Americans, regardless of our differences.”

The College’s Constitution Day activities aim to educate the public on their rights under the Constitutional Amendments and encourage habits of being a good citizen. Attendees will also learn how to register to vote with the help of representatives from the League of Women Voters.

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