Code Enforcing Law Regarding Obscene Displays

It has been six months since the City Commission passed an ordinance making it unlawful for any business to display obscene, vulgar, or sexually oriented merchandise. It must be confined to an area of the business establishment that cannot be viewed from outside of the business.

For the first six months, Code Compliance Officers have been warning local establishments, using the time period as an educational period. That period has now ended, and businesses now face penalties.

The ordinance reads as follows:

Open display or sale to children unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any business operator to display obscene, vulgar or sexually oriented merchandise unless such merchandise is confined to an area of the business establishment that cannot be viewed from outside the business establishment.

It shall be unlawful for a business operator to knowingly sell obscene, vulgar, or sexually oriented merchandise to a child or to permit a child to enter the area where sexually oriented merchandise is displayed unless the child is accompanied by an adult parent, or legal guardian.

Signage is required. Any business owner who displays obscene, vulgar, or sexually oriented merchandise shall prominently display a clearly legible sign or signs as necessary to notify anyone entering an area where such merchandise is displayed that obscene, vulgar, or sexually oriented merchandise is displayed and that no one under the age of 18 may enter the area unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

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