Closing Date For Card Sound Bridge Toll Moves To Sept. 1, 2017

NORTH KEY LARGO, FL – The closing date for Monroe County’s Card Sound Bridge toll is being moved to Sept. 1, 2017. This change will allow Florida Power & Light time to relocate its power lines on the right of way prior to the start of construction of the All Electronic Tolling System.

The original last day for hand-collected tolls was Aug. 1, 2017. Signs will be posted to alert drivers of the change.

Tolls will be collected and discount tickets will continue to be accepted at the toll until Sept. 1. After the toll closes, unused tickets may be returned for a refund.

During construction, which is scheduled to last 189 days, there will be no tolls. Some lane closures will take place. Those closures will be publicized when the schedule is known.

The revised date for the All Electronic Tolling System to begin operation is March 9, 2018.

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