Clinton Square Rennovation Begins

City officials and local businesses gathered for the official groundbreaking ceremony for Clinton Square, located at the foot of Whitehead Street in front of the Custom House. With the help of Charley Toppino and Sons, the historic triangle of a pocket park will be revitalized to enhance this hub of culture and commerce.

Plans include restoration of two existing monuments, enhanced access, shade, and an inviting spot to rest and enjoy the core area of the city’s historic district.

Commissioner Jimmy Weekley noted during his comments, that the project has been in the works since his election in 1985.

“I’m just glad to see the groundbreaking before I’m termed out,” he said, adding that although he will be out of office, he hopes to be in attendance for the ribbon cutting for the completed park.

The large monument at the center of the square honors the Union soldiers who lost their lives in Key West during the Civil War. It was erected by the Navy Club of Key West. A small iron fence surrounding the large obelisk was installed by R. Vining Harris to memorialize the loss of Confederate soldiers during the war. Harris, whose son built the Southernmost House, was a staunch Confederate supporter.

During the Civil War, Key West remained a Union outpost, despite the fact that the rest of Florida seceded and joined the Confederacy.

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