City Honors Veterans

Mayor Teri Johnston and the City Commission, during Wednesday’s meeting, shared a proclamation with members of VFW Post #3911 in honor of Veteran’s Day.

Each year, the citizens of the City of Key West pay tribute on this day to the generations of Veterans who have answered the call of duty and served this great nation with such distinction in times of peace and war.

“Our community has a longstanding positive relationship with the U.S. Armed Forces,” reads the proclamation, “and a continuing sense of gratitude to those who have sacrificed in the defense of this nation.

“In honor of these dedicated men and women,” the proclamation continues, “we pledge our eternal support so that their commitment will stand before the entire world as a testament to the spirit and determination of a people dedicated to the principles of freedom and democracy.”

In honor of our Veteran’s the U.S. Navy is hosting the annual Veteran’s Day Parade on Duval Street on Monday, November 11th beginning at 5 p.m.

In addition, a salute to our Veteran’s will be held at 11 a.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial at Bayview Park. This observance will focus on the tragedy of suicide among veterans.

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