City Commission Commends Tom Hambright
In the photo: Commissioners Mary Lou Hoover, Gregory Davila and Jimmy Weekley, County Historian Tom Hambright, Mayor Teri Johnston, Commissioners Clayton Lopez and Billy Wardlow and Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman.
The Key West City Commission honored a true Keys treasure during Tuesday’s meeting, commending County Historian Tom Hambright for his dedicated service to the community and the culture of the Keys. Hambright is retiring after 36 years of service.
Based in the Key West Branch of the Monroe County Library, Hambright has coalesced a collection of Keys documents and photos that will help future generation understand the complex history of the Keys.
Known locally as the man who can answer absolutely any question about Keys history, Hambright’s knowledge is legend beyond the Keys. He has worked with scholars, students, historians and producers nationwide to help shed light on our unique history.
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