Chris Massicotte, Candidate for Monroe County Commissioner District 3, Participates in Key West Chamber Political Forum

Chris Massicotte, who is running for Monroe County Commissioner District 3, appeared at the Key West Chamber of Commerce’s debate forum today at Beachside Resort & Residences in Key West. This was a riveting event complete with candidates running for several different positions and answering questions from their peers about their plans if elected as well as how they would solve city and county issues.

“I am so appreciative of the Key West Chamber for hosting an interactive forum where candidates must answer to the people,” Massicotte said. “I am tired of watching BOCC meetings get shorter while budgets increase at an alarming rate and wanted to convey that Monroe County needs a watchdog to protect taxpayers’ hard earned dollars. As a former auditor, I am the best person for this position”

To hear more from Chris Massicotte and his platform, tune into Morning Magazine this Friday June 21st at 8:05am on US1 Radio, 104.1. Chris can be contacted directly at [email protected].

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