Childcare Worker charged with leaving child in hot van

A worker at a Key Largo childcare facility was arrested today, charged with leaving a four year old child in a childcare van for 48 minutes. When the child was found in the van, he was dehydrated from the heat and was transported to Homestead Hospital where he recovered after treatment.

The suspect, 26 year old Kyle Lynch of Key Largo, told Detective Robert Dosh he was aware of the facility policy which requires a detailed accounting of each child. He admitted to violating that policy, causing the victim to be left in the van. According to investigations, the incident took place on November 25th. Lynch transported 14 children in a company van. When he arrived at his destination, he let the children exit the van without counting each child as required. Consequently, one child was left inside. Lynch then entered the child care facility and did not realize one child was missing until 48 minutes later. A short time later the child was found in the van and was removed and taken into the air conditioned building and cared for with cold towels and fluids as paramedics were called to the scene.

A warrant was obtained for Lynch’s arrest and today he turned himself in on charges of unlawful desertion of a child.

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