Chief Presents Lifesaving Awards
Key West Police Chief Donie Lee yesterday presented Sgt. Jeff Williamson, Detective Stephen Mitchell, and Officers Jesse Young and Michael Chaustit the Lifesaving Award for reviving a man overcome with fumes aboard a stranded boat last week.
While conducting training on August 17th, the Key West Police Underwater Search and Recovery Team (USRT) heard a call come over VHF channel 16 advising there was a vessel with a male having a medical emergency. The U.S. Coast Guard was receiving limited information, but the USRT quickly located the vessel. It was adrift and pitching in rough seas. Dive Team Leader Randy Smith gave out assignments and he and Officer Michael Malgrat stayed on board the police boat while Sgt. Jeff Williamson, Officers Jesse Young and Michael Chaustit and Detective Stephen Mitchell boarded the distressed boat.
The officers located the victim in a lower cabin. He was not breathing, had no pulse and was showing signs of carbon monoxide poisoning and hypoxia. The officers immediately moved him to a higher deck and administered fresh oxygen. The victim immediately began to regain color and a pulse as well as partial consciousness. He and his companion were safely extricated from the vessel. After he was transported, the victim made a full recovery.
“The rapid response and fast assessment of the situation by these officers are to be commended.” said Chief Lee. “Their actions saved this man’s life.”
The grateful victim, Ed Waters, his companion Sonya Hefner and Mr. Waters’s tearfully grateful daughter attended the ceremony.
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