Due to a rapid sell-out, Thursday evening’s Key West Art & Historical Society Distinguished Speaker Series presentation by military historian Fred L. Borch, titled ‘Key West and the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962’ has been moved to Old City Hall, 510 Greene Street beginning at 6:00pm. 

A retired Army officer and lawyer, Borch is currently Regimental Historian and Archivist for the Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps, the only full-time military legal historian in the U.S. Government.  Sponsored by the Helmerich Trust, John and Marilyn Rintamaki, the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, Aloys and Carol Metty, and Lee Garrison. Tickets are $5.00 for Society members, $10.00 for non-members. For more information, visit KWAHS.org click “tickets,” or contact Kassandra Collett at 305-295-6616 x 114.  Your Museums.  Your Community.  It takes an Island.

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