CFK receives $495K for marine science endowment

ictured: Samuel J. Kaufman, Co-Trustee of the Paula Jean Carbonell Revocable Trust, CFK Executive Vice President Dr. Brittany Snyder, CFK President Dr. Jonathan Gueverra, and Kristina Avalo, Co-Trustee of the Paula Jean Carbonell Revocable Trust.

KEY WEST, FL, June 20, 2024— The College of the Florida Keys Foundation recently received a donation from the Trust of the late Paula Jean Carbonell for $495,976.30. The bequeath will be used to create an endowment to support students in the Marine Environmental Technology and Marine Engineering Management and Seamanship programs. By endowing the funds, only the interest earned is expended, allowing the gift to support students in perpetuity and create a lasting legacy for Carbonell.

For more information about planned giving and donations to benefit CFK students and programs, contact Lana Gaspari, CFK Vice President of Advancement and CFK Foundation Executive Director, at 305-809-3214 or [email protected]. Gifts to the CFK Foundation are tax-deductible.
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