Cell Phone Art Exhibit 

Jag Gallery is currently taking submissions for it’s juried Cell Phone Art Exhibit.

The requirements are simple. Artists can submit any of their digital photographs, paintings, or drawings that have been made solely on their phone. No cropping (photos must be the same ratio as the size image the phone produces) and no outside editing.

Accepted images will be printed by Key West Fine Art and Photography on mounted aluminum and all around 6 x 4 inches.

The only way to enter is online via a link from:  www.jaggallery.art. There is an $11.00 per entry fee. Artist can submit up to 6 images. Deadline for entries is April 5th.Exhibit opens April 24th.
For all questions, please email: [email protected]

Jag Gallery was recently opened by, Letty Nowak of the former Lemonade Stand Gallery. It is located at 1075 Duval StreetSpace C-23 in Duval Square.

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