City Manager Al Childress, Commissioners Lissette Carey and Jimmy Weekley, Lt. Jonathan Catena, Mayor Teri Johnston, and Commissioners Clayton Lopez and Billy Wardlow. Commissioner Mary Lou Hoover Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman were in attendance via Zoom.

Catena Honored for 20 Years of Service

During Thursday’s City Commission meeting, the City’s Human Resources Department honored Key West Fire Department Lt. Jonathan Catena for his 20 years of service to the City of Key West.

Lt. Catena was hired with the Key West Fire Department in 2011.

Lt. Catena came to the City of Key West with many training certificates under his belt, already certified in extrication, live burns, indirect and direct fire attack, foam applications, first responder, rescue knot and 105 ft ladder climb.

He was promoted to his current rank as Driver/Engineer in 2014.

Lt. Catena plays many roles within the fire department: he holds a State of Florida Certification in Fire Officer I, Fire Inspector, Fire Instructor, Pump Operator, and is a member of the Key West Fire Department Dive Team.

“Lt. Jon Catena is a dedicated member of the Key West Fire Department,” said HR’s Alice Parker as she presented the honor. “We are all so proud to congratulate him on 20 years of service.”

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