Monday, August 7 from 6-7pm
at the Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce
31020 Overseas Hwy, Big Pine Key ~ MM 31
Social media expert Julie Botteri, with NewmanPR, will use baby steps to take us from creating & posting to a Facebook page to understanding Twitter, Google, Instagram . . . those elusive marketing tools that are so crucial to our future success. This is how your customers are doing business these days, and the Chamber wants to help you get up to speed.
So, bring your phone, your tablet, your laptop and be prepared to learn about the tools you need to grow your business. This will be a hands-on workshop that promises to get you headed in the right direction.
Boot Camp Workshops are FREE to Lower Keys Chamber members; $25 per person for non-members.
Snacks & soft drinks will be provided to those who
RSVP to 305-872-2411 by Friday, August 4.
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