Bravo Night Watch Honored for Heroic Response to Stabbing Incident in Key West

Officer Michael Beerbower, Sgt. Karl Malsheimer, Officer Elam Thornbrugh, Chief Sean Brandenburg, Officers Alyson Burns, James Young, Ivan Golovanov, and Kristina Antonova.

Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg, during a semi-annual awards ceremony hosted by the Grand Key Resort, recognized the Bravo Night Watch with a Unit Award.

On April 14th, officers from Bravo Night Watch responded to a reported stabbing on Flagler Avenue. Officers were able to safely detain the suspect, tend to the victim, and separate and interview the witnesses.

Officers ensured the scene was safe and Key West Fire Rescue arrived on scene to provide emergency medical care to the victim. The victim’s injuries were severe enough that he was flown to Miami. The crime scene remained undisturbed until it could be processed by the Criminal Investigations Unit. The investigation ultimately led to attempted homicide charges.

“These officers’ dedication and devotion to duty are most heartily commended,” said Chief Brandenburg.

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