Books and Books and the Key West Literary Seminar welcome bestselling author Nicole Dennis-Benn on Friday June 28th at 7pm to Key West. Dennis-Benn will read and sign her newest novel Patsy at the store (533 Eaton Street).

Dennis-Benn last visited Key West with her debut novel, Here Comes the Sun, as a guest speaker at the 36th annual Key West Literary Seminar. The 2018 seminar focused on Writers of the Caribbean. She returns to work with KWLS, this time as visiting instructor of high school sophomores, juniors and seniors in the Young Writers Studio.

Her latest novel, Patsy, has received starred reviews from Kirkus and Booklist and has been lauded by the New York Times, NPR, Washington Post, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, Vogue and Vanity Fair, among others. “Patsy fills a literary void with compassion, complexity and tenderness,” raves Time Magazine; and according to NPR, “Dennis-Benn is quickly becoming an indispensable novelist, and Patsy is a brave, brilliant triumph of a book.”

Dennis-Benn was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica. She is a graduate of St. Andrew High School for Girls and Cornell University. She holds a Master of Public Health from the University of Michigan and an MFA in Creative Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. She has taught in the writing programs at Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, NYU, Sarah Lawrence College, and City College; and has been awarded fellowships from MacDowell Colony, Hedgebrook, Lambda, Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Hurston/Wright, and Sewanee Writers’ Conference. She lives with her wife in Brooklyn, New York.

Visit for more information on this and other upcoming events. This event is free and open to the public.

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