MONROE COUNTY, FL—The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners announced on Wednesday evening plans to hire Christine Hurley as County Administrator, the County’s top leadership position. She is a former Assistant County Administrator and currently Monroe County Land Authority Executive Director. She is expected to start the new position in mid-September.

“It’s an honor to be selected as the next County Administrator by the commissioners,” said Hurley. “I look forward to working with our staff to implement board policies and directives, serving our great community, and restoring confidence in our County operations.”

Hurley started with the County in 2009 as the Growth Management Division Director. In 2015, she then transitioned to Assistant County Administrator and became the head of the Land Authority in 2021.

She holds degrees in Public Administration and Economics and is certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners.

She has accomplished notable achievements in her career, including developing a land acquisition methodology leveraging State funding into the County to further preservation, championing affordable housing initiatives after Hurricane Irma swept through the Keys, and working with FEMA to end the decades-long downstairs enclosure pilot program. That program created a pathway for the County to be considered in good standing with FEMA, which opened the door to the Community Rating System securing large discounts to private property owner flood insurance. Before coming to Monroe County, she held similar positions in the City of Fort Myers, Florida, and worked in the private sector as a consultant.

“Ms. Hurley is ready to hit the ground running at a time when strong leadership is required for our County,” said Monroe County Mayor Holly Merrill Raschein. “She knows the issues, our team members, and most importantly, she lives and breathes the Florida Keys.”

Kevin Wilson has been Acting County Administrator since February and will return to the Assistant County Administrator role, working side-by-side with Hurley to maintain County services.

“We are excited that our Acting County Administrator Kevin Wilson will continue to play a big leadership role, and I am grateful for his dedicated service to our County,” said Raschein.

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