Blood Needs of Area Hospitals Met Following High School Shooting in South Florida Current Need to Replenish O Negative Blood Supply

(Orlando, Florida)  OneBlood, the local blood center in Florida, responded immediately to the tragic shooting that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida by rushing additional blood to Broward Health North Hospital and Broward Health Medical Center.

While the immediate blood needs have been met, there is a need to replenish the areas O negative blood supply. O negative is the universal blood type and is used to treat trauma patients.

OneBlood is asking eligible O negative donors to please visit a donor center or Big Red Bus blood drive and donate. Appointments are encouraged and can be made online by visiting

Generally healthy people age 16 or older who weigh at least 110 pounds can donate blood. To learn more about the importance of blood donation and how donors can target the power of their blood type visit

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