Astrologically Yours

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Aries: You have followers; where are you leading them? Pay attention; imitation is still the best form of leadership. You cannot avoid the obvious, better to embrace it than to lose your creations. Enjoy the process by taking responsibility.

Taurus: Force is not generally a good idea when dealing with authority figures, frustration does not get good results, compromise does. Actions speak louder than words, careful how you broadcast. Temper your attitude with facts and if at all possible, congeniality.

Gemini: If you question why you feel so good physically, take a good look at active partnerships. Do they balance and complete you, or is it all a test? Just how consistent, supportive, and congenial, on all social levels, are they?

Cancer: Do not allow your emotions to override your good judgement, in the areas of business and jointly held resources. Step back, think tact, before you speak or act. Consider long term, look at the big picture. What do you see?

Leo: What is the deciding factors? When the mind tries to rationalize the emotions, it can get lost. Stick to the facts. What do you want? Control, freedom, more time to spend on dreams? A vacation, a new job, a setup?

Virgo: Don’t allow your emotional attachments to interfere with your investments, or your work. Detach and separate the two categories, if you must. Do not compromise on the small stuff. Remove your EGO from the equation. Your work is a reflection.

Libra: It is easy to overlook major commitments, list them and prioritize responsibly by fulfilling them on time. Expect to be compensated according to what you invest, taking on more responsibilities you can’t fulfill the ones you have is negligence.

Scorpio: Empower and verbalize what you love, use your imagination to create and build to the illusion. Push it to the limit, expect your years of dedication to be rewarded. Do the work in your own unique way. Art heals the Spirit.

Sagittarius: It is possible to lose yourself in the memories of the past; reconstruction is always edited according to your own personal viewpoint, Life is for the Living.

Capricorn: Sharing is caring. Do you know this? Or, are you so intent upon taking control, changing, transforming, and destroying, that you cannot “see” the forest for the trees? Careful; the dust will clear and you’ll be all alone, and empty.

Aquarius: Powerful thoughts, words, feelings, action to back them up. Have you finally found something that you really believe is worth the time and effort it takes to rebuild and restructure; possibly the group or community to go with it? Maybe.

Pisces: Say anything, do anything, but please, do not lie to yourself in the process. Would you really throw it all away, to prove you’re right about the illusion? Take some time to think, before you act, get the facts straight.

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