Archbishop Thomas Wenski blessed the renovated parish center for Saint Mary Star of the Sea Basilica
On Sept. 17, 2016, Archbishop Thomas Wenski blessed the renovated parish center for Saint Mary Star of the Sea Basilica, the Convent of the Holy Spirit Sisters and the Adoration Chapel and dedicated it as:
“The Klaus Murphy Center”, in honor of two former parishioners whose selfless dedication to others helped make this project possible. Fred Klaus and Harold Murphy established a foundation that provides financial support to organizations whose efforts assist “the poor and needy of Key West, Florida”. Over the years, this foundation has provided millions of dollars in support of our service efforts to Star of the Sea Outreach Mission, The Basilica School, St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen and a leadership gift of $750,000 towards this renovation. With their support and the support of so many other parishioners, the Klaus Murphy Center will enable us to continue a 165 year tradition of service to our community.
The Convent of the Holy Spirit Sisters has been redesigned to accommodate four Sisters of the Holy Spirit from the Mt. Kilimanjaro province who serve in our School and in Parish ministries. The fourth Sister Elizabeth Gati, OSS arrived in August.
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