Anglin Named Officer of the Half

Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg has named K-9 Unit Officer Thomas Anglin as Office of the First Half for 2024.

Officer Anglin started with the Key West Police Department in 2005. Over the years, he has worked with three K-9 partners: Ferro, Ben, and now Jigsaw.

Recently, Officer Anglin introduced the idea of creating a proactive two-person squad: a K-9 officer and a patrol officer as a narcotic interdiction team. The trial run was very successful, seizing 17.1 grams of cocaine, 64.2 grams of amphetamine, 22.8 grams of ecstasy, other miscellaneous drugs, paraphernalia and a firearm. They also had 27 arrests in a two-week period.

“Officer Anglin has been a K-9 handler for over eighteen years and to this day he has a strong proactive work ethic,” said Chief Brandenburg. “He can always be counted on, even when he is off duty.

“Whenever he receives a request for his K-9 services,” continued Chief Brandenburg, “his response is always the same, ‘I’m on my way,’ whether it is for a criminal investigation or a presentation for our community. Officer Anglin always represents the Key West Police Department in a professional manner, which brings distinguished professional recognition to the Department.”

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