Officer Andrea Bernatova, Sgt. Karl Malsheimer, Officer Jesse Torrecillas, Chief Sean Brandenburg, and Officers Jack Gruba, Sean David, and Josue Ramos-Martinez.

Alpha Nights Receives Unit Award

Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg, during a semi-annual awards ceremony hosted by the Grand Key Resort, recognized the Alpha Night Watch with a Unit Award.

On April 1st, officers from Alpha Night Watch responded to Five Guys in reference to a stabbing. Officers arrived quickly and were able to take the suspect into custody, preventing further injury to the victim who was already bleeding heavily from several lacerations and punctures.

The victim was provided emergency care on scene before being transported to Lower Keys Medical Center and later flown to Miami.

Officers at the scene of the incident secured the crime scene, located and interviewed witnesses, obtained video from security cameras in the area and preserved evidence in place. The crime scene remained undisturbed until it could be processed by the Criminal Investigations Unit.

“These officers’ dedication and devotion to duty are most heartily commended,” said Chief Brandenburg

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