2025 Waterfront Playhouse Aqua Idol!
The Waterfront Playhouse will present a brand-new Aqua Idol starting Monday, January 20 at 6 pm at Aquaplex Nightclub Mainstage, 711 Duval St.  A wonderful group of vocalists will be singing their hearts out to raise money for the esteemed Waterfront Playhouse.  Singers thus far are Alexa Loduca, Jordan Upchurch, Zoe Elwell, Stephanie Wise, Jeff Jolly, Ruby Sickman, Davis Stack, Larry Ketron, River Sienne, Barbara Mundy, Donovan Pavlicek, Victoria  Moon,  Rick Dery, and Jaime Weisberg and Rich Damasco.
It is the best Free-to-Attend Show in town…and it is open to all who like great entertainment and who love live Theater in Key West.  Destiny Montgomery and Lynda Frechette are working hard to assemble a marvelous prize package for the Top 4 Contestants.  If you are interested in participating in this event, please contact Destiny at 502-767-4742 or Lynda at 305-393-6273.  It is GREAT Fun for a GREAT Cause!!!!  Laurie Thibaud is the emcee…. Great Celebrity Judges weekly…. including Christopher Peterson our resident ‘Simon Cowell. Hoping to see you there!  Every Monday through March 10!
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