Key West Prepares for Fantasy Fest: Essential Guidelines for a Safe Celebration

Key West’s biggest party of the year is upon us. While you’re busy putting the finishing touches on your costume, it’s good to remember a few crucial pointers.

  • Public nudity: is absolutely prohibited in Key West. Male and female genitalia must not be exposed. Female breasts cannot be exposed. Breasts painted with body paint will only be considered as covered when in the Fantasy Zone. Body paint cannot be applied in public; it must be applied in an enclosed area, out of the public view. Sex acts in public are absolutely prohibited.
  • Fantasy Zone: Lower Duval Street to Truman Avenue and the streets that cross it. Those cross streets are only considered part of the Fantasy Zone between Whitehead and Simonton streets.
  • Artificial or toy weapons: You’re better off not using them at all. But if your costume simply must have one, make sure it’s clearly a fake. Law enforcement officers will be watching for anything resembling a weapon, from water guns to artificial swords or knives. Replica weaponry may be confiscated. In addition, laser pointers are not allowed during the event, and they too may be confiscated.
  • Backpacks and coolers: are strongly discouraged in the Fantasy Zone. If you do bring them, you may be asked to have it searched by an officer.
  • Masquerade March: On Friday, Oct. 25th, the Masquerade March leaves Frances Street at Southard at 5:30 p.m. The cemetery will be closed to respect families and avoid inappropriate photos. A second starting point is at White Street and Fleming. The march route meanders through Old Town and ends up on Duval Street. The streets are not closed along these routes so motorists can expect delays and are advised to take alternate routes. Revelers are reminded that nudity is absolutely prohibited during this event.
  • Street Closures: To accommodate the many street activities during the festival, several areas are closed during the week.
  • The Truman Waterfront Park Splash Pad will be closed Saturday, October 26th to accommodate the Fantasy Fest Parade lineup. It will reopen on Sunday.

Fantasy Fest has a tradition of being a fun and peaceful party, and the Key West Police Department is looking forward to continuing that tradition. We will have extra officers on duty. In addition, other members of the law enforcement community, including the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, the Florida Highway Patrol, the FBI, the Florida Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, the Orange County Mounted Unit, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the Navy will be on hand to help ensure a safe event.

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