Before anything else, a reminder. Fifteen days till November 5…..Voting Day! In most places, you can vote early. If so, do. My message simple…..Vote! Obviously for Kamala Harris if you wish to save the Union and the American way of life.

Nero was a bad guy. No question about it. Trump, also. Their waywardnesses different, yet each the wrong person to lead. Each sick in their own special way.

I wrote about Nero a few days ago. Nicely. History has him fiddling while Rome burned from a place 30 miles from Rome. I pointed out the fiddle/violin had not yet been invented and Nero was too far from Rome to even see Rome burning.

Today, I spell out the real Nero, the bad guy.

Nero was infatuated with a slave boy who he had castrated and then married. True story. The boy’s name Sporus.

Sporus became Nero’s Empress. The marriage took place during Nero’s tour of Greece in 66-67 CE.

Nero needed a wife. His previous one had died the year before. Sporus was his choice.

People considered Nero an “abomination.” Nero could care less. His sexual activities beyond scandalous. He raped a Vestal Virgin and committed incest with his mother.

Re his previous wife Poppaea Sabina, Nero kicked her to death while Poppaea was pregnant.

A sick guy.

Trump a sick person, also. Not in ways similar to Nero. However his misdeeds sufficiently gross by today’s standards to equal Nero’s. He is not qualified to be President. The U.S. deserves better. Harris is unquestionably a better person.

Moving on to Harris for a moment, I believe one reason her candidacy is especially tough is because she is a woman. Many men cannot visualize a woman as President. Consider the ladies subordinate to themselves. Even some women are anti-female when it comes to a woman being President. Were it not for the abortion issue, I doubt Harris would have the female support she has during this campaign.

Trump believes the American dream is his. Harris says, “the American dream belongs to all of us.”

As it should. Every person should have a piece of the action.

Harris a part of American history in a way not commonly recalled. She was one of the first bused to public school as part of integration when she was in the second grade.

Moving on to Trump.

Trump called Harris a “shit Vice President” at a rally recently. Carried on TV.

A class act.

Presidential language? Ok for your children to watch and learn? Ok for the world to note our perhaps next President to be is a gutter slut in language and actions?

The American people deserve better.

Trump behind the counter saturday at a McDonald’s wearing a McDonald work apron. At 78! Deep frying french fries. Giving the impression he was an employee.

Trump has never worked at a McDonald’s. Never such a mundane position. Never had to do so. He had a ton of money always flowing to him from his father. Eventually totaled $400 million. Harris on the other hand did work at a McDonald’s  when she was going to school. She needed to.

Blacklisted News is out of business. Though I did not agree with its philosophy/thrust, I subscribed. Such is consistent with my mental thinking that you must know what the “enemy” says and thinks.

It’s like politics. We need two parties, two sides to things. I have always considered the opposition indispensable.

Good luck to those who made up Blacklisted News. I wish them well.

Buried in history are facts we no longer recall. Things that were, things that happened, that with the passage of time have been forgotten. Permit me to share a few.

Paul Revere. a freedom rider, a patriot, a silversmith. His silversmith business failed. He studied and became a dentist. His specialty was the making of false teeth.

When Nelson Mandela was released from prison, he flinched from a reporter’s microphone. He thought the very modern looking microphone was a weapon developed during  his nearly 30 years in jail.

China shames people in debt. If you are behind in paying your bills, your name and face may appear on a giant movie screen in a theater immediately before the movie. Millions of “deadbeats” are thusly thrashed by the government.

Victorian England was a terrible place to be alive if you were a member of the working class. For example, you paid a penny to sleep inside sitting on a bench, two pennies and you could swing your arms over a rope and sleep standing up. If you made good money on a particular day, four pennies got you a coffin to sleep in. Water was undrinkable. Children at the age of 4 were worked 12-18 hours a day.

On this day in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum opened in New York City. Strangely but lovely shaped. Like a cupcake upside down. Slanting walkways inside. Loved visiting on my New York trips. Contains one of the world’s top collections of contemporary art.

North Korea is sending 10,000 troops to Russia to aid in the Ukrainian War. Trump’s two buddies want to ratchet the War up to a World War. A dangerous move.

I close with the World Series.

What a year with the baseball playoffs! Everything now decided. A national two coast series ahead. The New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers. Begins friday.

An old time match renewed!

A busy heart day today. Never ends. Office visit this morning, hospital test this afternoon. Nothing wrong, no complaints by me. Doctor just making sure.

Enjoy your day!

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