A negative item by a Laura Jones appeared on the internet. The article claimed tourists should avoid eating in Plaka. Plaka is one of Athens’ most exciting places. You have not “flavored” Greece unless you have enjoyed Plaka, including its food.

Jones agrees Plaka is picturesque. Again, it is its food she believes lacks quality.

I do not know who Jones is, but I submit she does not understand Plaka, its food, atmosphere, etc. I have experienced Plaka at least 20 times. I know Plaka. I love Plaka.

It is a typical Greek neighborhood full of restaurants. Sits at the base of Acropolis. The view special day and night. Especially evenings when the mountain top is lit.

You do not go to Plaka for the food. It is ok. Average. So are the prices. Not a rip off. You go for Plaka’s flavor and fun. If you want the very best Greek meals, there are other restaurants in other areas that are available. Where it will cost a ton, but be worth every penny. It depends what you are looking for. I guarantee one thing. You will be attracted more to Plaka than the very expensive restaurants. Not for the money alone. For the pleasure Plaka offers.

Let me share what” fun” is. Besides sitting, eating, drinking and watching the world go by, I have danced Greek style with men, broken dishes when it was legal, sung, and laughed with people from all over the world.

Do not miss Plaka if you visit Athens. Guaranteed you will return more than one time during the same trip.

Syracuse won again last night. Beat North Carolina State 24-17. Syracuse’s record so far this season 5-1. Ho, ho!

Evangelicals, Christians, Catholics, etc., whatever you want to call them, worry me. They are better described as “Christian radicals.” Off base, nuts. They want America to turn to God. Fine! However their “how” is a problem for me. They want Trump elected!

These Evangelicals, etc. forget Biblical teachings, the word of God. The teachings of God they promote do not sound like the Sermon on the Mount. The truth will make you free does not come from Trump’s mouth or theirs. Lies form the basis of their teachings. What happened to love one another? Gone. Replaced by hatred.

Live and learn. Oysters and pearls. Why mollusks such as oysters produce pearls. It’s a defense mechanism.

When an “irritant”, like a parasite or a shell fragment, gets trapped inside the oyster, the oyster’s mantle secrets layers of nacre, or mother-of- pearl, around the irritant. The secretion is a defense mechanism to protect the oyster from foreign substances entering the oyster’s environment.

It takes time to produce a pearl. Anywhere from 6 months to 4 years.

The mollusk producing the most pearls is the oyster.

Election day around the corner. Some politics.

Trump called Harris “retarded” at a dinner at Trump Tower in New York City this past week. At the same time, he railed against  Jewish voters supporting her.

I have always been an admirer of Chris Christie. He calls them as he sees them. No bullshit involved.

Christie, former Republican Governor of New Jersey, has become the latest to sound the alarm over Trump’s apparent mental decline. He claims Trump is not the same man who ran for President in 2016. Claims he is way different today and that his skills have dramatically declined. He describes Trump as “not nearly as good today” as he was.

Retired General Mark A. Milley says Trump is a “fascist to the core…..the most dangerous man in the country.”

His comments are available in Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book about Trump.

Milley was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for more than a year under Trump and continued under Biden in the same role for a period of time.

Vance makes me laugh. Also worry should he become Vice President.

He knocks Obamacare. Ho, ho. It became public this past week that his mother has received heath coverage by using Obamacare.

Vance reportedly advised his mother to get private health insurance under Trump. True. What he failed to reveal was she purchased private health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s insurance market place run in Ohio.

Vance must learn two things. One, to tell the truth. Two, to tell all the truth.

I close with some information revealed this past week about Trump’s new $60 Bible.

This past week, Walz ripped Trump’s Chinese Bible as he described it.

Walz referred to Trump as a heathen and hypocrite Friday for outsourcing his “God Bless the USA” bible to China. He “outsourced” it by having the Bible printed in China. Walz said re the “outsourcing” charge, “This dude even outsourced God to China.”

Walz really nailed Trump when he said, “I don’t blame him. He didn’t notice the ‘Made in China’ sticker ’cause they put it inside, a place he’s never looked in the Bible.”

Two things come to mind. I thought Trump was politicking that manufacturing by U.S. concerns would no longer be farmed out to foreign countries. The other involves tariffs. Since the Bible was manufactured in China. will it be tariffed in any fashion. Excessively?

Enjoy your Monday!

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