By Roger C. Kostmayer

With the exception of Israel’s Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, and his radical right wing pro-war government, most Israelis, Americans, Palestinians and the international comity of nations want the Middle East war to end. We also want  hostages to be released while they are alive, and a Two State Solution.

A year ago, the war was referred to as the Israeli-Hamas war.  Today, it must be accurately called the “Israeli-Hamas-Pastinian-Hezbellah-Iran-US” war.

What is obstructing peace and a secure existance for all is both: President Biden’s weakness and ineffectiveness; and Bibi’s determination to stay out of jail, retain his political power and prevent any investigation of his accountability for the October 7 atrocity. Bibi Netanyahu does not want a Two State Solution, he wants a forever war – with Israeli occupation.

Yes, the October 7 Hamas horror that took 200 hostages and1,200 mostly civilian lives, American and Israeli, is unjustifiable today and forever.  But, according to The Lancet and others the more than 100,000 Palestinian children, women and civilians killed (by missiles, bombs, bullets, starvation and destroyed healthcare) is both unacceptable and illegal.

America must continue to keep its promise to protect our important ally and the Israeli people, but the American people will not, and should not, allow any PM, President or dictator of a foreign country to receive and use US military weapons and money in ways that violate American values, American interests and international humanitarian law.

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