Key West Lou / OREOS

Milton did its thing. Bad, I’m sure. How bad, I am not yet sure. It’s still dark outside and TV also not able to show damage till the sun comes up. I therefor leave Milton to tomorrow.

I was a little foolish yesterday. It was windy. More than normal. No gusts, though. Heavy rain on and off. Overall, no concern about going out from my perspective.

I was anxious for a Goldman’s toasted cheese sandwich. Got there at 1:45 pm. Note on door said Closing at 2. Did not even go in. Did not want to be rushed even if I was able to be served.

At that point, I noticed most stores in the Overseas Shopping Center were closed. Winn-Dixie was open. Ergo decided to pick up a few things. The store was next to empty.

Now that I am supposedly properly eating, I decided to buy some meats, etc. A change in my diet expected. Timely. I could not do it. Amazing! My mind went one way, my hands another. I purchased all those things I have for the past 9 months. Soups, yogurt, chocolate drink, juices, puddings. etc.

I know. I have to work on “mind changing.”

I did buy one thing different, however. A package of Oreos. Had no intention of so doing. Hard to chew, etc. For whatever reason, I grabbed a package of the shelf as I walked by. Gave no thought to the selection.

Last night, I tried 3. Only 3 because they were so good, I saw myself consuming the whole package. No problem chewing or swallowing. The best of the best however was the taste. The most DELICIOUS thing I had tasted in 9 months!

I noticed an unusual thing as I was driving home. The heavy wind was coming in off the Atlantic. When I got home, I saw on TV the Southernmost Point. Winds and big waves throwing water off the Atlantic over the monument.

Strange! Guess it might have been Milton’s tail running in reverse early in the afternoon.

This morning Keys Citizen “thought” a tornado passed over/struck Key West at 11:30 last night. The article gave no further details.

There will be flooding. Always is in Key West. The same streets and intersections all the time. I have a manicure scheduled for noon. I will know then if I am correct. I am sure I will be. The water will be 2-3 feet deep in some areas. People swimming in the intersections. Tourists, of course. They think its fun. Reality wise, dangerous. Forget not the sewer germs, though little of the flooding is from the sewers.

A live and learn. I have been in Key West 30 years, Never knew one of the best places to park your car if flooding is expected is the Key West High School parking lot. Huge. It was already full wednesday morning, though not a school day.

A perfect question asked in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice. The question precise in view of today’s society: “Does the number of people who hate outnumber the ones who want to be kind?”

I close with a tale originating in my younger days.

As a young lawyer, much of my work involved representing persons injured in accidents.  The lawsuits in most instances were defended by insurance companies.  Allstate the worst! Ruthless in the defense of all cases, whether small or large. Allstate’s aim was to discourage lawyers from suing Allstate insureds.

I hated Allstate!

In later years, my practice developed to the point where my law firm was the major insurance company representative in Central New York. The insurance companies couldn’t beat me so they joined my flock of clients.

I always refused to do legal work for Allstate. Allstate’s volume was large and would have represented a significant increase in my cash flow. However, I could not bring myself to representing the interests of the whore.

There is a reason why I share this with you. Spiro Agnew was elected Vice President of the U.S. His legal career included being an Allstate adjuster. From day one, I considered him no good. I was correct.

On this day in 1973, Vice Presidnet Spiro Agnew, accused of accepting bribes, resigned his office and plead no contest to one count of federal income tax evasion. He was all done being Vice President and further a person deserving of respect.

Enjoy your day!

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