The Vice Presidential debate was last night.

My thoughts.

Walz started off slowly. I feared it was going to be another Biden evening. He was not himself. He was stiff. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. His lips like they were not going to open. His note taking drove me crazy. Neither needed nor time for it when you are working with a 2 minute/1 minute situation. You remember what has to be said without jotting things down. It’s automatic. Walz looked like he feared he would not recall that which he had to.

I do not know what it is. Debates before millions scare the shit out of many. Also, a newbie to it like Walz might tend to be over trained for the event.

However, Walz came back about half way through the debate. He started being himself. Shortly, he was and did an extremely admirable job the rest of the way out.

He exposed a conciliatory side of himself. Vance would lie or be offensive or whatever. Walz would then try in his special fashion to soft talk the opposition to his way of seeing things. Such is how it should be in government. Politics is the art of negotiation! Compromise! Walz had it down to a science and brought Vance around to considering his way of thinking on occasion.

Vance is an excellent speaker, debater. He is also a terrific liar. Better than Trump. He is also skillful at failing to respond to a question or issue.

A lot of issues were not even entertained. The cats and dogs issue. I would have buried Vance with it. Where was the Ukraine? Perhaps the moderators were to blame for not zeroing in on these issues. Walz could have gotten into Springfield more one way or another.

The winner? Neither. In the end, they had balanced each other out.

The Middle East is getting more messy. Iran may have made a major error yesterday in trying to dump 180 ballistic missiles on Israel.

The two nations are balanced in a sense. Iran has some 80 million people to Israel’s 10 million. On the other hand, Israel’s military capacity so far outweighs the population edge Iran has to balance it out.

Iran may have made a mistake in directly attacking Israel. Normally Iran has others do it and finances the situation. Israel will retaliate. Sooner than later. I would make it a heavy one. A lesson to Iran to fuck off and pay for going as far as it did. Perhaps to also warn Iran to begin backing off in financing other groups against them. A land attack is not required.

A dentist visit yesterday. I an finally getting to the end of my goal. I have been without teeth since late January. Lost 65 pounds since my eating has been limited to liquids. Dr. Mullen told me yesterday next week my mouth will be finished. I will leave with a full set of teeth! He is completing the caps portion.

I am excited! Thrilled! I have to share my joy.

Enjoy your day!

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