Helene will go down as the worst hurricane of the modern era. Worse than Andrew which wiped out portions of northern Florida in 1992.

Helene has trampled big time on at least 9 states. And still ongoing. The states are Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. Death numbers not locked in yet. This morning anywhere from 89-100. More will be discovered. The cost of recovery estimated as high as $110 billion. Don’t be surprised if it is more. Much more.

A crazy hurricane. Wide as it traveled north. As wide as 400 miles from center at times. Inland water destruction to an extent never experienced before.

The recovery dollars projected are large. Makes sense for a hurricane that did and is still doing so much damage. How do people recover from it? Homes totally destroyed. Others damaged big time. Insurance, you say? Yes, but there is only so much available. Helene will change how insurance companies operate. Even cash rich insurance companies only have so many dollars. As hurricanes get larger and more prevalent, premiums will shoot up. As they have in Florida. Impossible for many to meet.

Government assistance comes from tax dollars. A limited number also. A village/city looks to the county, state, and federal government for assistance. The county seeks reimbursement from the state and federal government. The federal government in many instances will become the bank of last resort. Governmental levels at some time will find it impossible to meet the expenses of helping their residents. Cleanups cost money. Food and water, also. FEMA will be tapped to the breaking point.

The day I am suggesting is not tomorrow. However, soon. It must be prepared for.

Everything is cause and effect. Hurricanes have gotten worse. Why? I lay it on global warming Whether global warming or what, we must find out what the “what” is and attack it. Otherwise people will not be able to rebuild, will live in tents, wash in streams, toilet in the woods, return to growing their own foods, etc. Government cannot do it all. Our backs are swiftly being pushed to the wall. Figure out the problem and resolve it or prepare to live another way following a hurricane disaster.

The Vice-Presidential debate tomorrow. Will truth or lies win? Going to be interesting.

Vance is not very popular. He is coming over poorly. Two interesting comments I read on the internet. One: “Vance is a good reason for birth control.” The other: “Vance is a perfect example of why some people shouldn’t have children.”

Both excellent!

Trump claims Harris is mentally deficient. If so, he lost the debate to a “mentally disturbed” person. Did not look that way to me.

An interesting article on the internet spelled out how Trump discredits the media. The article spelled out who else did: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Hussein, Assad, Putin, Isis, and Boko Haram.

Heritage’s 2025 aka Trump’s 900 plus page description of what he will do if elected, mentions women 101 times. Men less than 20. Makes us wonder who Trump’s TARGET is.

Spoke with grandson Robert on the phone last night. He is back in Tallahassee. Tallahassee in ok shape. Basically nothing happened.

He agreed he was correct in finally leaving. Glad he did, even though it turned out he did not have to. He thought the media overhyped Tallahassee’s problem. I disagreed.

We had an interesting conversation. I explained wind is fickle. A hurricane is wind. Can move here, there and everywhere at the last minute. Irma the perfect example. The mother was heading directly for Key West. I got out!

At the last minute, Irma deviated west and went out over the water missing a direct hit on Key West. However Irma turned right again and came back 16 miles later over Cudjoe Key where it did a number on the Keys from Cudjoe north all the way.

I close with peanut butter.

I was grocery shopping yesterday morning at Publix. Needed more JIF. I was out.

At the peanut butter section, my eyes fell on the brand I had never seen before. Teddie All Smooth Peanut Butter. The #1 I wrote about a few days ago.

Bought a large jar. Fifty cents more than JIF’s similar size.

I was excited. Could not wait to get home and try it. My friends, it sucks! The worst! Liquidy. Sticks all over your mouth.

I refrigerated the jar and tried it again last night. No change.

I threw it away. Will return to Publix today to buy JIF,

Enjoy your day!

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